Insurance and Extended Warranty
How can we help with insurance?
We can provide your customers with peace of mind by getting them back on track with their mobile technology in the case of loss or theft and replacing it in case of accidental damage.
By partnering with Bastion Insurance, a leading provider of insurance for the mobile and tech channels, we provide their Devicecover insurance which enables you to earn 25% ongoing commission from the upfront and monthly tariffs, whilst your customer benefits from multi-device discount.
Extend the life of smartphones, tablets and laptops.
Most smartphone and tablet brands provide a standard two-year official warranty (Apple provide one year) and due to the increased average price of a device, users are hanging on to them longer than the standard warranty. Therefore, this presents the opportunity to offer an extended warranty.
How can we help with Extended Warranty?
Extended Warranty from our partner Bastion Insurance entitles your customers to an additional one or two years warranty on smartphones, tablets and laptops.
As with fully comprehensive insurance, there is an opportunity to earn 25% commission* based on the cost that the customer will pay.
*Following deduction of 12% IPT. Bastion Insurance Services Ltd are authorised and regulated by FCA, Reg No. 650727. Company Reg No. 08536306.
Bastion Insurance.
If you sell gadgets to customers (consumers or SME’s) we have a solution for you. Offer your customers insurance for their mobile phones or gadgets (mobile phones, laptops, iPads, tablets and more), whilst creating a new and exciting revenue stream.